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How to Advertise Your Brand on Youtube

Today, we can say this with full confidence – every type of business can benefit from Youtube. It doesn’t matter whether you run an online business, a small brick-and-mortar store, or you freelance. You’re missing out if you’re not taking advantage of video.

Youtube does come with its shortcomings, though. It offers very little in terms of customization, and you can’t influence the ads which appear on your channel. Regardless, it’s a way to reach massive audiences, and it’s cost-effective.

So, let’s take a look at how you can maximize the benefits of this medium and make it work for your brand.

Making a Channel

Channel creation is the first, and perhaps the most crucial step towards successful Youtube advertising. You need a channel that reflects your brand.

Today, Youtube boasts the capability of personalizing the channel by uploading logos, customizing tags, and defining the color scheme. What else can you do to make your channel stand out?

Use the Right Keywords

Each video on the platform comes with a set of keywords that Youtube uses to search through them. So, be very specific when naming and describing your videos.

Include Other Social Media Profiles

When designing your channel, think of it as your company’s website. Include all relevant links to other social media profiles.

Create a Trailer

You’ll need a short video that represents your company. A trailer is an opportunity to give people an idea of what it’s like to use your brand.

If you’re inexperienced with videos, hire a professional at least for this piece of content, since it’s crucial. As they say at the Storyteller Studios, low-quality video damages your reputation. The importance of this doubles when it comes to your trailer.

Create How-To Content

People go online for answers all the time. So, if your product or service asks for any explanation, make an informative video to demonstrate the solution. It will generate traffic on your channel and make your customers see that you care about helping them.

Video Creation: A Guide

The idea of creating videos may sound intimidating, especially if your brand has nothing to do with this medium. Luckily, Youtube is easy to use if you follow the right set of guidelines.

Decide On Your Format

There’s no one-format-fits-all for an effective marketing campaign, so decide according to your niche. You can go for talking heads, interviews, screen shares, animated contact, and much more.

Include Calls to Action

The point of your videos is to attract people and turn viewers into customers. You won’t make a sale on Youtube, but you will generate leads.

So, tell people which address to visit, add your contact info, and ask people to rate you and subscribe. Encouraging them to post your video on their social media profiles is even better.

Be Social

Youtube works as a social network, and you should link it to your other profiles. Promote your channel on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Once people come to it, be active, chime in and thank them for the comments, answer questions, and comment on other people’s videos.

Useful Tips

Once you establish your presence and figure out the basics, you need to go the extra mile to distinguish yourself. Here are some valuable tips for doing so.

Be Authentic

The visual nature of video content means that people will easier determine the relationship you have with your brand. So, try to be authentic and true to it. Don’t fake a personality but state your mission and stick to it.

Teach Your Viewers

Create genuinely useful videos that help your audience learn something new. That way, you can advertise your product as a natural need.

Stay Consistent

The impact of using Youtube comes with time and consistency. Besides, the more you make, the better you’ll become, and your viewer base will become more loyal.

Go Live

Livestreams are one of the most significant benefits of verified Youtube channel. Such events draw people to your channel and allow you to expand your audience. Fans love interacting with you in real-time, too.

Include Clients

A great way to discreetly include testimonials in your content is by creating videos around the stories of your clients. People will love to see how your product helped a real person, and by promoting a client, you will seem more genuine as well.

The Bottom Line

So, if you decided to give the world’s second-largest search engine a shot, we have you covered. It’s not difficult once you get started, and it can generate many sales even on your days off.

Remember, there are 6 billion hours of video viewed every month. Make sure that you enter the platform with an intelligent strategy and to make the most of the seemingly endless possibilities.

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