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How to Use Technology to Expand Internationally as Efficiently as Possible

Technology has allowed the world to truly have worldwide business. The ease of contacting someone around the world is far easier than ever before with the ability to video chat on a mobile device or laptop. Expanding internationally has to be done carefully. Putting too much money into this venture could cripple a business in other areas. The last thing that you want to do as a business owner is to try to grow too quickly in an inorganic way. Not all companies are meant to expand internationally due to the services/products not appealing to people in a certain location. The following are tips that will allow a business to expand globally in an extremely efficient manner.

Communication Can be Streamlined

Communication has changed in a huge way in the last two decades. The ability to instantly contact someone and chat allows for employees to work around the world. Project management platforms can ensure that all staff is not left wondering what they should be doing on a daily basis. Meeting with clients that are internationals has never been easier with video chatting. The ability to communicate does not mean that you shouldn’t meet with long-term clients physically at least once a year. Industry tradeshows and conferences can be the perfect opportunity to turn one trip into a few client meetings. The number of contracts signed at these events often pays for the travel expenses.

Manufacturing Abroad Can Increase Profit Margins

Manufacturing abroad can be far more affordable than handling this domestically. The right factory to manufacture a product will provide clear communication and hit order deadlines. There is a risk of manufacturing internationally. A company does not want to be associated with a factory treating their employee inhumanely. Doing a few visits by surprise over the course of the business relationship can allow a company to see how those making their products are treated. A factory that already has access to rocker switches for a company producing appliances can be a perfect fit. Take time to consider shipping costs as prices increasing immensely could nullify the savings the manufacturer was providing.

Freelancers Can Help Scale Large Projects

The appeal of using freelancers is that a company does not have to employ them full-time. Productive freelancers can be extremely helpful to a company and even save a company money in the process. The one aspect to keep in mind that you need to communicate clearly when working with international freelancers. Not putting everything simply can lead to miscommunication and missed deadlines. The management of freelancers does differ immensely. Some cultures respond to being pushed while others need encouraging words instead of reprimand. Freelancers can be a great way to fill a remote staff as projects can be used as a form of a job interview. Not all freelancers are going to want a full-time gig though as it will restrict their freedoms that come with being a freelancer.

Start Marketing Internationally By Focusing on Country-Specific Search Engine Rankings

Marketing in new countries can present a challenge in itself. People from around the world respond differently to marketing ploys. What could be seen as corny or over the top might be perfect for a specific location. Americans usually want to feel like they have made the decision to buy something rather than were sold the product/service. Great marketing is always made up of quality content whether it is a podcast or company blog. Focusing on local publications abroad can bring legitimacy to a company far more quickly than a simple website will. Search engine rankings are going to be important regardless if the company is selling services or products. Consumers flock to search engines to find what they need or to check out companies that they are considering working with.

Training Remote Employees and Those Abroad is Far Easier

The process of training employees can be tough without a current staff member at a new office location. The creation of these training programs can be done far more efficiently. Online assessments can be used to make sure new hires understand basic processes. Videos can also be used in order to help a new employee learn important processes. This could be to log time in a project management platform or to save a file in a certain section of the company’s cloud platform. The ability to have questions answered nearly immediately will help in the training process. Setting up a thorough training process can allow new hires to be productive as soon as possible.

Technology is going to continue to shrink the business world with more worldwide competition arising. The world is only going to advance with the collaboration that is now possible with different technology that has been developed. International expansion is a stressful time so make sure the focus is on the correct areas.

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