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Google Now: Gets You Right Information at Just the Right Time

Google’s all new Jelly Bean, Android 4.1, was launched recently but the operating system seems to be a polished version of the previous operating system, Ice Cream, except the new application known as Google Now. To write in simple words, Google Now is the Google’s answer to all those questions which are there in the users’ minds which they have not typed and not even yet thought of. The application will automatically display the data regarding the public transit, appointments and the likes.

Google Now

Google Now and Siri

For layman Google Now can be thought of Google’s answer to Siri, an application in iOS. Google Now can be set off by clicking on the “Home” button and then swiping up. It does not require you to speak unlike Siri and is somewhat different from the iOS application. When the application opens you will notice a list of cards providing loads of information in eye catching fonts and superb borders and textures. With time the cards will increase and get more personalized with usage. Google Now will watch your actions and gain intelligence about your frequent queries as time passes. The application will keep record of your location and the information of the flight that you were looking for. You can also have the robotic voice of the Google Now to answer your queries.


When you click on the icon of Google Now the first thing to come up is the weather and the location. The next information to be displayed can be customized as per your requirements like providing driving directions to office and then back to home. The application can also be used for knowing about the public transport and about various local places. The application will also let you know when you have to leave for your next appointment so that you reach there on time by using your calendar entries. It will also give you the latest information regarding the flights and sports.

Personalizing Google Now

In order to make full use of Google Now use your phone as much as possible. Engage yourself in things that you normally do and you will find the application customizing it according to your needs. Although the number of cards can be increased with usage but there are some default number of cards that will come with Google Now and these cards will provide you information on weather, next appointment, flights, traffic, public transit and so on.  Also, the application is location sensitive and will come up with the public transports and various eating points in the area you are currently in provided you change your location in the application. Using the application more frequently will personalize Google Now as per your needs.

Pros and Cons

The application from Google makes the entire search-result-displaying-process very enjoyable by predicting the queries that might be in our minds. It is also successful in saving the user’s time.

Although the application is very helpful when it comes to saving the user’s time but the application is useless without an internet connection. Also, the application is effective when the phone is intslimits and powerless as soon as it is out of its limits.


Indeed Google Now is a thing of future but it has a long way to go. The things that the application is equipped with are innovative but need to be polished to achieve perfection. Most of the services in the application can be used only with the help of internet and can be seen as a drawback. But nonetheless, it emphasizes the strength of the internet to save user’s time. The application has a lot of potential but requires much exploitation.


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