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Embarrassing Facebook Photos to be Deleted Forever

Embarrassing Facebook Photos to be Deleted Forever

Ever since social networking became a phenomenon, privacy issues have been a touchy area. Young adults and teenagers often end up posting not so delicate photos of themselves online, only to regret it much later. When they apply for a job, HR personnel are most likely to head to their online profiles for background search. Until the recent announcement, even if the original photos are deleted, it was stored in Facebook and anyone who had access to the direct link to the photo could easily bring it up.

facebook to delete embarassing photos forever

That, however, changes now. The pictures erased by a user will not remain in the system anymore; within two weeks or a potential maximum delay of 30 days, Facebook will permanently erase all trace of such pictures, reported Daily Mail.

Embarrassing Facebook Photos to be deleted forever

Research shows that 91% of the companies refer to social networking sites like Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn and Flickr for the screening process of potential employees. We live in trying times in terms of employment so even something as trivial as an indelicate photo from your freshman year in college could derail a job opportunity for you. The whole issue came into light three years ago when Joseph Bonneau, a Cambridge doctoral student found that his old deleted pictures were still available online and blew the whistle. It possibly took Facebook a substantial amount of time to put in this change because the move involved a huge engineering change. However, we hope this change will spur other social networking websites into action and undertake similar changes.

Facebook had not fared well in the stock exchange in May 2012. Some are of the opinion that this change, along with several other ‘fixing of glitches’, have been done to make Facebook more impressive as media stock than the rival companies.

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