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4 Recommended Consumer Tech Gadgets for the Expectant Mom

Having a baby is one of the most wonderful yet stressful experiences in humankind.  History has shown the unknown is the process part, but the advent of new and better technologies mean parents now know about the process than ever before.  In fact, they are parents almost immediately at conception today because of the technologies involved.  For a lady trying to or becoming pregnant means a wealth of technology available for them during all stages of the pregnancy from the conception to the birth.  The time of gestation, however, is a very exciting time and there are many gadgets for expecting mothers, particularly the first time moms.  Each of these gadgets take some guess work out of the pregnancy process and help families make correct, informed decisions.



For many, trying to get pregnant is one of the most difficult aspects of pregnancy.  There are many solutions and old tricks to meet the proper circumstances to have a baby, but science has taken much of the guesswork easier.  DuoFertility is based on sound gynecological science of conception, measuring blood temperate and taking readings from that data.  The blood temperature determines the ovulation period of a woman – making the process much easier.  If there is no other physical reason why conception is not possible after visiting a qualified physician, DuoFertility may be the answer.


The number of studies about babies hearing in the womb and the way they respond to parental voices is clearly documented.  Some studies show that music encourages growth of the fetus, something many expectant moms may appreciate.  For those moms interested in testing this fact, Bellybuds is the thing to use.  Attach “bellyphones” to the stomach area and a pregnant woman can share music with the baby.  Connect to an iPod or any music player and mom and baby can enjoy the plaintive strains of music.  What to raise another virtuoso or Beatle?  It may happen with Bellybuds.


There are not many ways to check on the health of an unborn baby, but kicking is certainly a clue baby is fine and well.  A sudden sharp decrease in kicking may be a sign of issues, certainly something to bring to the physician’s mind quickly.  All babies are not going to kick and be active, but the KickTrak does monitor baby kicks, records and displays the results on an LED screen which is easy to read.  Present the information to a medical professional in case of changes in behavior in the womb.  During pregnancy, any measurements can be helpful, so keep a solid record of the movements.

Hi Bebe Fetal Sound Doppler

One of the first things done during a routine checkup of a fetus is the sound of the beating heart. Fetal Sound Doppler of Hi Bebe can detect heartbeats from almost 2 and half months.  Approved in the U.S. by the FDA, this device shows the beat on an LCD screen.  This allows mom to record and listen the data for the physician’s reference. The Hi Bebe has a loudspeaker and a microphone, so a user can share with dad or anyone in the room.  Moms may just want to go to sleep to the sound of the heartbeat as well, something babies find comforting.

The Unfortunate Bit

All of the above gadgets are wonderful tools for expectant mothers, but they are not to be used as a substitute for qualified medical information or experience.  Do not assume these products can diagnose problems with an unborn child, and the poster does not assume any liability should an expectant mother use that information in place of medical care.

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